3rd Trimester

Follow up Q from "family visiting at the Hospital" thread

Uh, oh...  I was reading the thread below about allowing one family to visit at the hospital but not wanting the in laws to visit.  After reading the responses, I realized that I agree that it seems unfair.  So now, I am worried that I may be hurting my in laws' feeling without realizing.  

my parents live abroad; as it is impossible for them to just fly over when they get the news that the baby is here, they decided to arrive about 5 days before my due date and will stay for about 3 weeks to help me with my recovery and all.  I already told them that I do not want them in the labor room, but that they can come visit periodically at the hospital if I felt up to it as they will be staying at my house 15 minutes away from the hospital.    

my in laws live about 4 hr drive away.  They plan to come and visit to see the baby for 3 days or so. To avoid having them being bored at the house while the baby, my husband and I are all staying at the hospital, we told them that we will tell them when we go into labor, but to come and visit when we get home from the hospital 2-4 days after the birth.  They haven't said they wanted to come to the hospital and they know the arrangements with my parents.  Do you think they would feel 'excluded' or 'sided' because my parents will be there at the hospital visiting at times and they won't be able to?  Should I give them the option?  We ended up just telling them to come when we come back from the hospital but we didn't tell them it's because we wanted them to maximize their visit with the baby or anything.  They are too polite to say anything even if they feel hurt, so now I am worried that I unintentionally hurt their feelings?


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