3rd Trimester

Super Slow Labor

Alright there other mommies...  Two days ago I had about 5 hours of dull pain in my back that would turn into stabs and then go back down to dull. I went to bed and within a few hours they stopped. Yesterday afternoon (about 2pm) I started writing down any contractions I felt since there was more pressure in my hips. They were coming every hour (there was a 2 minute difference at most) until around 8pm, then they shortened to 40 minutes exactly. They were like that for three hours straight when I decided to get some sleep just in case. I did wake up for them (or most of them) which was always at 37 after and 7 after. I'm up and waiting to see if they continue. Seems like its taking forever to get to the active part! Although I guess I shouldn't be so excited for that Hmm

And for the TMI part, my bellys sore, my 'down there' is swollen and I keep feeling like I need to #2 but not doing anything. Baby's been known to be sunny side up and cervix posterior so I shouldn't be surprised. Someone just needs to tell me I'm near the end Tongue Tied

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