3rd Trimester

I'm so nervous about breastfeeding that I am crying!

I am a couple of days past my due date and my hormones and nervousness are getting the best of me.  I have taken breastfeeding classes, gone to La Leche League groups, read the books, etc. I am still so nervous about breastfeeding. I am producing quite a bit of colostrum, which is a little comforting. I know birth is a painful ordeal, but I just am not that nervous about that by comparison. Whatever happens, happens with the birth. I have a Certified Nurse Midwife that I trust to make good choices, and I am totally cool with any outcome regarding the birth. Breastfeeding is a totally different story. 

I have heard so many stories about women who have tried everything under the sun, visited lactation consultants, taken the herbs, stood on their head, whatever, and breastfeeding still doesn't work. Does anyone else feel this nervous? I am going crazy, and I don't think hubby really gets my nuttiness.  

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