
Normal, not normal?

My DS just turned 5 and things have been bad with him lately. He is constantly seeking negative attention. It has been like this for a couple months. We play and he gets tons of positive attention throughout the day, he has been excelling in pre-school. It seems no matter what we do or how happy he is he just wants to do something bad. I'm at a loss as to what to do for him. My in-laws have even mentioned that he seems to be seeking negative attention constantly.

Some of the things he has done recently are:

Pooping his pants on purpose, bullying his 17mo old brother (teasing, hitting, pushing, stealing his food/drink), peeing on the floors on purpose at home, he climbed the toilet to get my contact solution and some baby powder out of the cabinet to destroy the bathroom I just cleaned, and he has been extremely disrespectful with other minor actions I assume are normal actions for his age (continuing to do back and do something he been asked to stop multiple times even after time out, rolling eyes, back talk, lying, etc). 

My H and I don't believe in spanking. Time outs, talking, reward charts, behavior charts, taking away privileges are not working. Is there something we can do to help curb this behavior from happening multiple times a day? Is this normal 5 year old behavior?


ETA: He does these things and doesn't feel bad about them, he often thinks it is funny when he does something upsetting. He will laugh and smile when we talk about why he can't/shouldn't be doing these things and how it hurts my feelings when he is disrespectful. 

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