3rd Trimester

Mil/delivery room rant

I've already told my Mil that I'm not toocomfortable with her being in the delivery room. I've explained to her my reasons why and she is simi ok with it. However, when I mentioned my OB has started discussing a possible csec because of DS size and the fact that I have dysplasia she immediately wanted to be in the OR with DH. She said that since I wouldn't be on display and I wouldn't be having contractions and be in massive pain or anything else that would make me uncomfortable she doesn't see why she can't be there.
When we explained to her that our delivery hospital has a very strict policy of 1 support person in the room during a csec. And that's IF I don't have to be sedated, then not even DH would be allowed in the OR until after baby is out, and then it's only to cut the cord and back out again. Well, she just thinks we are being silly and surely that's not true and she will be calling the hospital first thing in themorning to find out because we obviously misheard them.
So now, until she calls the hospital and is told the same thing by them, I am being childish and Dh shouldn't be lying to make me happy and I must secretly only want my mother in there. My mother won't even be in there!
Maybe I'm just being hormonal but I feel like she's the one being childish. She's normally very easy to get along with but these past few months she's been a total Godzilla.
Ok, I feel much better now that I've got that all out.

ETA: We have even explained WHY they only allow one person, small OR rooms, or no one if I'm sedated, DH place would be taken by breathing machines and someone to monitor them.
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