Baby Showers

Advice needed please.

OK ladies, I am looking for some advice. My daughter-in-law has offered to throw me a baby shower. I want to make it as easy and stress free as possible, but we have a lot of family on both sides that are very judgmental of anything that we do if it does not fit what they think is normal. So I suggested doing a meet and greet after the baby arrives. This way I can help with the cost of food and such. Basically do a BBQ so that we can make it a co-ed affair so that all the family can be there. I offered to provide most the food and to have it at our home so that she doesn't have to rent a venue, or spend a lot of money on decorations and such. She loves the idea but, she is having to deal with friends and family, lot of the older generations, that think its nuts and should be a "women only" event. They are already stressing her out over it. So, my questions are: What would or did you do? And how did it work at your shower/ meet and greet? Did you do co-ed or women only? No games or a few games? At this point any input would be helpful. TIA
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