3rd Trimester

Any Aetna members who ordered breast pumps?

I am curious to hear about your experience if you are an Aetna member and ordered a breast pump (covered by Aetna)?  I called to inquire about coverage and was told they are covered at 100% as long as I order through their providers.  I asked if I needed to wait until the baby was born and they told me no, I could order it now if I wanted.  I went to the website of the provider they told me had the best selection, picked out a breast pump, started filling everything out, only to find out Aetna will not allow orders from WA state (I live in Seattle).  I tried some of their other providers but so far they are sold out of most of their breast pumps.  Through google searches I found all kinds of conflicting information.  A lot of people could not purchase a breast pump until their baby was born.  I will be calling Aetna back next week, but wanted to hear any first hand experience.  Thanks in advance.
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Me:35, Using frozen donor sperm. 2009-2010 - several non-medicated "at home" frozen donor sperm cycles = BFN
IUIs 1-3 in 2010 = BFN
4/2012: IUI #4 w/ new RE = BFP Missed m/c due to turner syndrome at 9 weeks, discovered at 12 weeks 3 days on 6/21/12. :(
Summer 2012 IUI 5 & 6 = BFN.
Was planning on moving onto IVF but insurance is requiring 3 injectable IUI rounds.
11/12/2012 - IUI #7 75 gonal-f cd3-12 + trigger. = BFP on Thanksgiving!
Beta 1 at 14dpo = 261 Beta 2 at 16dpo = 639 Good NT scan and Negative MaterniT21 test. It's a boy!
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