Third-Party Reproduction

TGIF!! and a Hello :)

Just wanted to stop in and say hello and GOOD LUCK to everyone cycling and (((HUGS))) to those in the 2ww, BFN, etc....

Ever since the BFN I have lurked but not had much positive energy to give out, so just trying to get back to "normal" and waiting to figure out when we can get our finances back in order for a second try.

2011-2012 Races
10/29/11 LA RockNRoll Min Half (5K) 42:58
12/4/11 Vegas RockNRoll Half 3:14:53
1/7/12 WDW Half 3:13:42
1/15/12 RnR AZ 2:55:27 (PR!!)
1/29/12 Tinkerbell 1/2 3:22:37 (To many picture stops!lol)
Me:32 DH:33
IFV w/ DE Only Option (On Hold For Now)
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