Special Needs

Audiology question

Hi, I've never posted here before, and I hope its ok to ask this type of question. If not, I apologize.

My daughter recently had an OAE test done by the audiologist due to not talking a whole lot. It was found that she has some hearing loss in the high frequency range. We are still waiting to hear from the drs as to what our next steps are. There was mention of possibly needing hearing aids and a definite need for speech therapy. 

As far as I know, the next step will be an ABR test to determine how "bad" the loss is. So, my question is, does anyone have experience with this? Was your child sedated or did they fall asleep on their own? 

Also, any experience with hearing aids? I'm imagining trying to get my very active little girl who rips bows and clips out of her hair in 2 seconds flat keeping something in her ears!

Thank you for any info you can give.  

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