Third-Party Reproduction

Delayed after hysteroscopy today :(

Well, I'm trying not to turn into Debbie downer or get too bummed out :(...but I am definitely a bit sad and disappointed after our appointment today. I had my uterine cavity check (hysteroscopy) post D&E and somehow I grew an adhesion that has to be removed before we can go forward with a FET. You could see it pretty clearly and I an understand how that can't be in there - it lowers implantation rates and increases miscarriage rates.

So at a minimum, we will be delayed about 6 weeks on top of the 4 away from the FET we originally had planned on June 11. I'm assuming it'll probably be 10-12 weeks from now which feels like forever. I know it's not...but I feel like someone just moved the finish line and I was pacing nicely for 4 weeks from now and now I have to pace myself for 10-12 weeks from now.

On the upside, I have a little more time to shed a few pounds, I can relax a little and enjoy the summer I guess. I just really wanted to be pregnant before my EDD for our loss baby came on Aug 29th. It could still happen. But I'm starting to feel discouraged and unlucky.

Sorry, I know many of you have gone through so much more - years of this - but I guess this is just hitting me hard for some reason. :( Thanks for listening!

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