3rd Trimester

Amniotic Fluid Levels

We live in an off-the-beaten-path part of China where the hospitals are not good (and have received pretty bad medical advise from the doctors at the main hospital in town on several occasions). So I wanted to get some information from people here, who may be better informed than the doctors we have near us.

We just discovered that my wife's amniotic fluid levels are a bit low... 6.2 (they said the normal range was between 8 and 12 (or so), though I'm not actually sure what this measurement is, is it cm?), and she's 28 weeks pregnant. They want her to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days/nights (in the hospital culture in China, people tend to stay at the hospital overnight or for several nights much more often than is common in the US--  partly because the cost of staying overnight at the hospital here is very minimal) hooked up to a IV, getting liquids into her system. In your experience/knowledge, is this necessary? Or if she stays at home and just drinks tons of liquids, would this be sufficient? Is this 6.2 level at 28 weeks dangerous or just a little bit low?

Of course, if it's necessary, she'll stay at the hospital as long as necessary, but at the same time I'm a little skeptical about whether it's actually necessary.

 Any information you can provide would be greatly greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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