Baby Showers

Oct '13 delivers again


" I guess I never knew it was poor etiquette to throw your own shower.  My mom and older sister passed away a few years ago, and my Dad wouldn't know to or offer to host such an event.  So I assumed when I got my BFP I would just host one for my friends and any of H's family that would like to come (I really am not close to nor live anywhere near my own family) ... 

Well my absolutely amazing friends in NY just called and told me they wanted to throw me one there.  Which sounds amazing and I feel so fortunate to have such amazing people in my life.  I even feel less bad about it since I didnt ask for it (because thats what seems tacky) So Im thrilled I get to go to that one and see my friends from home but I still would love to have one in RI where I live.  Am I supposed to ask my friends to host one here?  I'll just pay for it maybe?  Should I set up the venue and ask them to decorate?" 

A response:

"I would just throw my own and let your dad know he is the one who everyone thinks is throwing it for you. Just ask him to show up for a bit! Lol!!

 I am really sorry about your sister and your mom! Hugs

 You still have some time so hopefully your MIL or someone steps up. I don't really care for etiquette, it's over rated. Especially now a days. People do things differently and to the beat of their own drum all the time now."

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