Baby Showers

NBSR: how to make out wedding checks?

So, DH's cousin is getting married.  We can't attend the wedding, but would like to send a gift.  We searched on line for a registry, and when we couldn't find one, DH texted the groom, who responded "dolla dolla bills, yo!"  After that response, I don't want to ask any more questions, because I'll probably be too irritated to send a gift at all.

Would it be rude to make the check out to just the groom?  We don't know if or when the bride is changing her name or if they have a joint seems like it will be easier for them to cash it if we send it made out just to him, but don't want to slight the bride.  We'll obviously address the card to both of them.  I just remember for our wedding, we had a hard time cashing several checks because of the way they were made out.  I don't want to put cash in the mail or pay the fee for one of those amex gift cards either..... 

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