
The Little Couple, thoughts?

I was curious if any of you are watching the Little Couple and had any thoughts about it. I am getting asked a lot if we are watching it and what we think. 

I think they are REALLY nice people and REALLY deserve to be parents and I'm very happy for them that they have chosen this route and are giving attention to special needs international adoption.

However....I was a little annoyed when I watched last night when all of a sudden they were "a few weeks" away from traveling to China and then they just decided to adopt another child from India. It made the timeline seem ridiculously fast, not to mention I'm not sure if you can even have concurrent international adoptions in process. And the small fact that they are probably dropping $30,000-$40,000. 

I know it's a tv show and most of the international adoption is boring waiting, but I wish they had at least talked about the reality of it.




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