Baby Showers

Opening gifts at shower - Do you think it's a must-do?

I'm interested to hear opinions about opening gifts during the shower.  Personally, I do like seeing the mom-to-be's reaction to gifts, but sometimes it gets to be pretty time-consuming and a little boring for guests.  Recently, I was at a shower with about 40 guests, and it must have taken almost an hour for the MTB to open all those gifts.  The shower kind of hit a lull with all that time.  And plently of people just stopped paying attention.

So, do you think it's necessary to always have opening gifts be part of the shower program?

Also, I don't know if this is just a regional thing, but I recently moved to Minnesota, and not only does the bride or MTB open gifts during the party, but the gift is then passed around to all the guests.  I find this tradition pretty odd, and at times akward.  (Try balancing a little plate of cake on your lap, while having to pass a moses basket of goodies around.)

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