
Progress and other stresses

So while we have a great relationship with our expectant parent, our agency continues to be...challenging.

 They finally got her paperwork back (it took them two tries to actually send it to her because they sent it to the wrong address), they finally received the reference letter from a friend (They had an original and lost it and wanted us to make our friend rewrite the letter), and after they got back our birth parents paperwork, they needed to have a verbal conversation. So, we get told again that they aren't able to get in touch with her (meanwhile, she returns emails to us in like 24 hrs and text messages in 4-5 hrs. We see her at least once a month etc...) so, we texted her and of course she was like "I left them a voice mail this morning, but I'll try right now" she did, and the got hold of the birth parent coordinator, who of course was not at her desk. So, they made an appt and had a call yesterday, which, according to our Family Advocate "went great!" (duh). 

 So family advocate calls us today (we called twice yesterday with no luck) and now we have to have an official match made --- and she needs me and my partner to talk with her either together or separately during business hours.  Um. Really? You need both of us? So long and short of it is we have a call with the agency tomorrow at 10:00am to have the "official match" conversation (which is all things we already risk father etc. etc. etc.) but finally! 

Meanwhile---expectant parent is coming over after her ultrasound on Friday to hang out for the day/evening. My house is a mess and I feel like sytmied about cleaning it. Totally stressed. 

I also found out yesterday that my annual pap came back with low-grade abnormalities--- so I have to have a biopsy next week- and while I know (and have had confirmed by two nurse friends) that this is very likely nothing, and even if it is something it's treatable, I'm still ridiculously stressed out about it. I've had the biopsies and they hurt like hell and after like a year of everyone and their cousin poking around during infertility treatments--- It just amps up my anxiety. 







Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
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