TTC after 35

Beta Hell Continues....

I had my sixth beta draw this morning and it came back at 514; for reference my fifth draw last Friday was 264.  P4 was 33.  

I was scheduled for an u/s on Wednesday but asked for it to be moved to tomorrow morning instead.   I am still so scared this is going to be ectopic.  I know the u/s won't show anything in my uterus but will the RE be able to see any enlargements or whatever else they look for in my tubes?


Me, 40; DH 37; TTC since July 2012, 10/12: 1st round of Clomid 50 mg, BFP on 10/19, what an incredible blessing! Beta #1: 93, Beta #2: 278.1, Beta #3: 1,301, M/c on 7w3d; D&C on 11/30; 01/13: 2nd round of Clomid 50mg = no ovulation; 02/13: 3rd round of Clomid 100mg= BFN; 03/13: 4th round of Clomid 100mg
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