Baltimore Babies

Hopkins affiliated OB recs?

I'm mostly a lurker here, but need some help.  My OB/GYN of nearly 10 years is leaving (which caused me to bawl my eyes out after my last appointment).  I'm 4 months pregnant and because I'm high risk and due to complications with my DS, I want to deliver at Hopkins downtown this time too.

Anyone have any OBs that are Hopkins affiliated that they love?  I don't like the other doc in my current practice and the only other option there is a midwife, but because of the risk level, I'm not comfortable with that.

Would LOVE some ideas.

Thank you!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Emergency ileostomy 11/28/10, CF dx on 12/3/10 and ileostomy takedown 1/24/11, feeding tube placed 7/1/11...still going strong! Little one lost 5w5d, 5/27/2012. CP 8/26/2012
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