Baby Showers

Am I making my guests uncomfortable?

I am not due until Sept 8, but my pregnancy is very high risk. My OB does not want me traveling at all (not even a couple of hours) in the latter part of my pregnancy. My mom, who lives 8 hours away, really wanted to throw me a shower, so I asked my doctor what was the latest weekend she felt I could safely make the trip. She said June 8-9, so that's what my mom scheduled (I will be 27 weeks at that point).

Everyone seemed to be very excited, but then a local friend of mine (not a shower guest) said it my guests would feel uncomfortable to be at a shower that early on. I hadn't thought about that. I think everyone knows why we're doing it early, so I thought it was fine. My friend insists I need to say something at the shower to explain, but I think THAT is what would make people feel awkward.

So, have I just been naive or is my one friend just off-base here? 

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