Special Needs

play therapy- typically not supervised by parent?

our son has a lot of transition/anxiety kinds of issues w/ some other quirkiness... many  behaviors of perhaps ADD down the road, a few things that could fit in a high functioning ASD diagnosis though none of the big criteria at this time...he will be 4 this summer... we are struggling w/ some parenting things with him but not at a point where we feel he should be re-evaluated (he was evaluated by a child psychiatrist in october who referred us to get some parenting type counseling for tips on how to effectively deal with his transition problems and when he gets upset...

 we saw a family therapist recently who would like to try some sessions of play therapy with him to get to know him & what makes him tick & what might work with him...but the parent is not allowed/supposed to be present in the play therapy room... is this typical? I get from the standpoint of the parents' presence potentially interfering with the purpose (and to be honest if my husband went he would be that parent that interfered b/c in past evaluations for speech & also w/ the psych he would try to prod & cue my son when they would ask him things, which annoyed me so I'm sure it really annoyed the people doing the evals LOL... but it would be me who would probably be there for the visits anyway) but at the same time with him being pretty young, I feel a little weird not being able to see what she is doing/asking and how he is responding, etc. 

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