Baby Showers

What's going on with this?

So I'm 29 weeks and while I'm not sure when typical baby showers happen (ftm here) I know that someone always throws it for you. My aunt said that she would throw me a shower a month ago and I haven't heard anything about it since. I keep thinking that maybe she's too busy trying to help plan her daughters wedding and forgot but, I don't want to straight out ask about it because I don't want to seem rude. I am getting kind of disappointed because I was looking so forward to having a shower since I didn't even think I would get to have one. What should I do? If no one throws me a shower would it be tacky to throw a "meet the baby" shower? I'm due a couple weeks before my cousins wedding shower and don't want to take the attention away from her special day either, so if I do end up planning a little get together when should I plan it for? Please Help!! 
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