Attachment Parenting

best lightweight/summer wraps for a NB/infant

DD2 will be here in August and I live in Atlanta - it gets HOT.  I would like to try a wrap this time around (used a Pikkolo with DD1 somewhat and liked the versatility, but it was a bit warm).

In my head, I will be using this from birth for maybe the first 6 months, on my front/chest. In my head, there exists a wrap that is both lightweight/gauzy as well as stretchy and easy to use. In my reading on this board and the interwebz, there are way too many options!

I like the sound of how lightweight/cool the Bali Breeze is, but it doesn't have any stretch and sounds like it might be a bit harder to use?

The Bali Stretch has the stretch component and seems to be more forgiving for a beginner to figure out, but is it cool enough?

The Boba seems very user-friendly, but maybe not super lightweight? 

The Ellaroo wrap seems like it could be an option, but I just don't know.

Any guidance here would be great, I am totally feeling overwhelmed!  And before someone suggests a sling, I just don't feel as comfortable with that option even though I know people love them.


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