Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

1st time mom: What to look for?

I got my BFP, Saturday, May 4th 2013! My husband and I have been trying for 3 months. This will be our first child. I'm probably barely 4 weeks and I know that's a little early to be thinking "it's in the bag" but I'm excited and like to have all my ducks in a row. I quit my OB last year and I have not found a new one. I'm looking for a new Ob and the best hospital. The problem is I don't know what I'm looking for. I would like to know what it is I should be looking for in an OB and hospital. Private practice? NICU? One Dr. to be sure they will be the delivering dr? In house sonograms? Genetic screening? I was reading a post about Presby Plano and something about requiring you to bring baby to nursery for dr. appt after baby is born...these are the things I'm talking about.
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