Possible Ectopic, Beta Hell... Really Scared.



I really could use some thoughts on my situation for those of you who have suffered an ectopic pregnancy; I am incredibly anxious, nervous, and could use some support.  We got our second BFP (first resulted in m/c last November) on 10dpo, after our fourth round of Clomid and HSG.  We were cautiously optimistic.  I am followed by a RE and my betas are as follows:

13 dpo:  49, progesterone 62! 

15 dpo:  52

18 dpo:  115, progesterone 68

20 dpo:  186

22 dpo:  268, progesterone 48

RE and RN have mentioned three times that they are concerned about ectopic b/c of the way levels are rising. They also said though that I could have released more than one follicle, implanted two, one died, and the other is trying hard to catch up.  Other than second and last beta, RE said he has been satisfied with the way the levels have increased, but still is concerned about ectopic. I have had no bleeding, spotting, and have had minimal cramping.  No warning signs as of yet.

I have another draw tomorrow and then an u/s on Wednesday.  RE says that if I can get back on track then they should be able to see something in my uterus by Wednesday.  If not, then what?  What are the next steps?

The other issue is that DH and I are supposed to be leaving for vacation on May 11 for two weeks.  I know, terrible timing.  I am so afraid that this is going to be a bad outcome and the vacation we so desperately need won't be possible.

I could really use some perspective on my levels and what to expect if my levels don't go up from someone who has experience with ectopic.  I am a nervous wreck.  TIA.

Me, 40; DH 37; TTC since July 2012, 10/12: 1st round of Clomid 50 mg, BFP on 10/19, what an incredible blessing! Beta #1: 93, Beta #2: 278.1, Beta #3: 1,301, M/c on 7w3d; D&C on 11/30; 01/13: 2nd round of Clomid 50mg = no ovulation; 02/13: 3rd round of Clomid 100mg= BFN; 03/13: 4th round of Clomid 100mg