3rd Trimester


Hello all!  Please weigh in, particularly if you're a STM, on what you would do if this situation comes to pass.

My husband is in grad school 2.5 hours away for weeks 36 through 39 of this pregnancy.  I've had a strong feeling the entire pregnancy that this kid isn't waiting til 40 weeks and may make his appearance before my husband is finished with school.  My husband HAS to finish these courses this summer in order to remain eligible for his permanent teaching certification in our state.  If he does not, he can apply for an extension, which, though not uncommon, is a little bit of a pain in the butt and costly.  We are wondering if it is even feasible for him to return to the last weeks/days of classes if our guy decides to arrive early, or if we should just eat the cost of the missed classes and apply for the extension from the state.

 We are back and forth on this.  Some days he thinks he'll be able to focus and get his work done, others he thinks he'll just be so overcome with wanting to be with his new son that he won't accomplish anything (this is our first child).  Obviously we'll have to make the call if/when the time comes.  What do you ladies this is the most likely or desirable scenario?  I am leaving needing help out of the equation because I will have unlimited grandma assistance if he heads back to school.


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