Baby Showers

Men at my shower?

Okay, I'm a new poster here (Hi, good to meet you all) but I need to get this out before my eye starts twitching.


My mom is hosting my shower, and she is including my MIL as much as she can (she's helping with the cake and taking the RSVPs, stuff like that) ...but my mother just told me this morning that my MIL invited her husband and other son to the shower! 


It just seems awkward because all the invites that were sent out were just for the women, and I can't ask my mom to send out anything saying "oh yeah, bring your husbands too" because my mom's pretty much at her budget limit. Should I dish out a few hundred dollars for extra food and chairs to help my mom out and invite the men?  That would be like 40 more people....


My MIL means well (well, at least I think she does, when we told her we were pregnant her reaction was like "are you sure it's the right time for this?" ... but then again she's older and I try not to take anything personally....), but good grief. 

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