TTC after 35

Seriously!!??! (NBR)

Sorry.  I'm going to vent.  It's not really TTC related but relates to my last post about losing some weight.

I woke up this morning to 2-3 inches of fresh snow and it's still coming down.  Seriously.  SERIOUSLY!!!??!  My entire yard is still covered in snow....there was some hope for a bit and it did start to melt but everything is covered once again.

This is the all my fault.  I blame myself.  I wore flats yesterday and DH and I were planned to go on a run this morning.  Mother Nature is punishing me every way she can.

Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest and I refuse to do it on FB like everyone else. :)  

I guess it will be the treadmill at the gym today... 

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