3rd Trimester

he's here!!!

So I was induced on Thursday morning. We got to the hospital at 6:00 am and the Dr started me on pitocin right away. I was already 3cm. After about an hour he tried to break my water but I think I psyched myself out with all the horror stories people tell you about labor. So I completely tensed up and he couldn't get in and break my water. we decided that I should get my epidural sooner rather then later, I was already planning on getting one anyways.
We did the epidural at 9:30 am and I was feeling great after that. They even gave me a button to push so if I started feeling pain it would give me more medication.
at 1230 the Dr was able to break my water, which by the way is so very strange. Doesn't hurt at all...just very very strange. at this point I was 5cm. Dr left and I was able to sleep for a couple hours. I was having good strong contractions but couldn't feel them. Baby was still moving quite a bit.
When the Dr came back at 4:30 I had not progressed at all.still 5 cm and babys head was not moving down at all. My Dr says "i'm a very optimistic person but I don't see you being able to deliver vaginally." He still left the decision up to me. After talking with my husband and Dr some more we decided to go and do the c section. Baby was born at 6:48 pm they had to sucction him out 4 times. But he came out and is a healthy baby boy.
overall, i'm happy I ended up with a c section. The doctors and nurses have been great and i'm very comfortable. I have had stomach surgeries before so I knew what to expect as far as pain and discomfort. But I was nervous about recovery for vaginal.

Anyways, just wanted to share. I love being a mommy and it will only get better! Good luck to those so close to the end, its so worth it!
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