TTC after 35

Looking into a glass half full......

Hi Ladies,

I know it has been a while since I have posted about my IVF cycle progress....My three embies were slow growing and I was not sure what to make of that....

I just had a phone consult today with my RE to discuss how to move forward with our situation....he froze them at day 6 due to their slow progression but they did make it to being blastocysts but they are small.....with the Canadian grading of B (A-C) and size of 2, (1-6) which is, they did not do the PGS testing that we wanted them to do, but his thoughts were that they couldn't handle it, and of course we don't want any stressful scenarios for the, here we are.....

My RE says, let's get on the rollercoaster and go for it, so here we go....

We will transfer all three frozen embies and cross our fingers for a fighting miracle baby!   Please wish us luck for our dream baby.......

Thanks, ladies for your support!  ;)

Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
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