Baby Showers

? About inviting

I ha e a pair of friends that are planning my shower and asked for a list of people. While I was writing out my list I came to bit of a stop. My FIL remarried overseas one day three years ago. My step MIL came to America almost three ago ago not knowing English but has been trying to learn and adjust to American culture. Now she knows some English and I am the only girl she knows.

 Should I invite her or is it mandatory? I worry she won't have a good time as she doesn't know anyone else and doesn't talk to others outside the family due to way she lived and she hasn't really been anywhere without my FIL. I hate if she was shoved into corner unable to really communicate with anyone. That sucks. 

 Also what about my MIL? My husband refuses to have anything to do with her but the rest of the family still talks to her time to time. Should she be invited?

 Then there is my own mother she lives out of state but do we still send her one? I have heard thatim not suppose to invite people out of town but this is my mom. 



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