
Cute lunch check-in

The countdown is on ... three more weeks of kindergarten!!! Wahhhh!!!

Field trip! Lunch had to be disposable, so it's packed in a strawberry container lined with food paper (from World Market). On the left are four mini sealed PB/honey sandwiches topped with mini Nutter Butter cookies and a little butterfly sprinkle (everything is stuck on with peanut butter). Strawberries in the middle, with a piece of disposable sushi grass to keep the sandwiches dry.  On the right are raisins and grapes (redundant!) on homemade picks - toothpicks with decorative tape at the top. And finally, a few Snapea Crisps for some crunch. In the lid of the strawberry box I packed a juice box.

Mushrooms! My favorite of the week! Raisins, mini mushroom box of Goldfish, a few pieces of quickly blanched broccoli, half a PB/honey sandwich and a few chocolate mushroom cookies (World Market or Target, I think). On the right are orange and strawberry slices.

Doghouse lunch, or, Mom got super distracted and finished this 6 hours after she started. Ugly hand cut PB/honey sandwich on the left with a dog pick and a homemade word bubble (colorful masking tape was a GREAT purchase!). There's also "puppy kibble" raisins, a Babybel cheese, mini Goldfish and a chocolate chip on the left. Strawberry and kiwi on the right.

Sheep! I got the fun new sheep head pick and thought it would look great on faux-chicken nuggets. Wrong! But DD had already seen the other sheep pick and was excited about it, so I went with it anyway. On the left are olives, an apple slice and two nuggets, cooked and cooled. On the right are strawberries and a checkered apple. After cutting the apples, I put them in a ramekin on water and a squirt of lemon juice (the only good use for those lemon-shaped juices in the grocery store).

Ladybug? Garden? I'm not sure what my theme was here. DD wanted leftover pasta salad (noodles, pesto, bacon, corn and the zucchini that she picks out - SO good!), topped with a little Parmesan. The other tier has baby carrots, a kiwi and grapes. I threw in a side dish of pudding - found the ladybug container at a dollar store last year.

Have a great week and PIP your cute lunches here! Just try doing one fun little detail in your DC's lunch - I promise they'll appreciate the extra effort and you'll be as hooked as I am!

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