Busy day yesterday injectibles & acupuncture


Yesterday I had my appointment to learn about to do the injections for my IUI - WOW i am so glad I asked DH to come, cause I was a bit overwhelmed. The mixing was easy, however when it was time to inject myself - not as easy or smooth. Once I got the needle in I was in a very awkward position and couldn't press the plunger. SO DH tried to help by kind of grabbing it to push, which of course moved the needle that was in my belly. Told him to BACK AWAY! I finally got it all in and it burns :( . So that is what i am doing 6 units of bravelle a day till my tests on MOnday.

But then I went to chiro for acupuncture it was my first appointment, I was sent for some pain management, when i asked if she could do a few extra needles for fertility, our whole focus changed to doing acupuncture for fertility! SO for the next 4 weeks 1x a week I will recieve fertility acupuncture and the other time I will get pain managment acupuncture! I thought it a very successful day!

One bit if news the acupuncturist said getting acu for male IF is very beneficial and can often be helped quickly. So anyone dealing with male IF might consider acu to help them along.

So cheers to getting a BFP this cycle!!! :)

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