TTC after 35

Newbie - TTCing for first time at 36

Hi everyone,

My husband and I have been TTCing since September.  We're both 36.  He has an adopted son from his first marriage (my 6yr old step son), and now we're trying for a baby together. Although we've been trying since September, part of that time I was dealing with some major health issues (symptomatic bradycardia, which led to a week in ICU and pacemaker, then the lead to the pacemaker came loose and they had to go back and redo it - also have an aortic aneurysm, which is stable at the moment and being watched). Right now I'm healthy and I've been given the ok to go back to all regular activities.  My cardiologist has given us the ok to try and get pregnant (will be high risk and closely monitored, but said they would rather us try now instead of wait).  So, here we are.... :-)

For the past 6 months I've been keeping track of my cycle and using an ovulation predictor kit to find when I ovulate. We've also tried one of the OTC male fertility (sperm) kits, which was positive. Now thinking of taking and charting my temps also. Trying to learn exactly what that entails. I have an appointment with my OB-GYN on the 16th for my annual, and I'm going to discuss TTCing with him then. Trying to figure out what questions to ask.

Any advice/suggestions are welcome!



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