TTC after 35

Introduction : TTC at 40

Hello all - I briefly lurked here years ago.  I have a feeling that I am probably going to stay here for a while this time.  I am turning 40 next week.  I had an accidental PG at 34 (yeah, that month I skipped some bc pills...), but miscarried at 8 weeks. Got pregnant at first try at 36 and had my DS. It took us a while to get to the TTC #2 point and I wish I we got here before the big 4-0 but life doesn't always work that way...  But would love to have a second.  We will be trying naturally for now, though I am planning to get basic hormone tests/bloodwork done.  Would prefer not to do IVF unless there is no other way.  Any thoughts?  Am I needlessly handcapping my chances by relying on the old-fashioned trying method...? 
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