TTC after 35

Weight and TTC...

Brief synopsis of my weight issue:

Too many cookies.

I met  with the RE and the perinatologist last week and we are on the road to getting all my ducks in a row for TTC in the next few months.  

However, my weight has exploded over the last 18 months - since my LO's arrival. I've always been normal weight but had a difficult pregnancy and lost a ton of weight while pg.  I didn't really start to gain anything back until 3-6 months after delivery.  By then I was addicted to french fries and cheeseburgers because, "doctor's orders".  LOL :)  I've just continued with this crap diet (something I have NEVER, EVER done before.) because it's yummy and easy.  So I'm now officially the overweight column on BMI (BMI is a pretty accurate measure for my body type).    My gym time has also diminished to almost nothing. 

Neither doctor brought up my weight as an issue and I was too mortified to ask but now I'm wondering what other doctors say about this??  Have you had a discussion with your RE, etc...about  being overweight?  What are the dangers?  Is it something to worry about?  

Have to get off the computer and go motivate myself to go out for a run....:)


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