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Question for Heather

Is the potty not available anymore?  I was saving up pts and finally had enough and now it seems gone?  TIA

Hypothyroid/Fibroids/Stage 4 Endometriosis

10/2010 Open myomectomy to remove 3 fibroids largest @ 8 inches. Stage 4 endometriosis and inoperable/blocked left tube.

3/2011 Laporoscopy/Hysteroscopy. 3 endometrioma cysts, hydrosalpinx, left tube and half of the left ovary removed.

5/2011 IUI #1 medicated w/injections, 1 follie = BFP!

6/2011 Blighted Ovum/ D&C

9/2011 IUI #2 medicated w/injections, 2 follies = BFP!

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