TTC after 35

Can we talk about Crinone? (it's gonna be gross)

So, I'm in last few days of my 2WW and this time round they decided to put me on Crinone 8%. I've had 3 MCs and the last IUI didn't take - with my AF arriving 6 days early so ... Crinone.

I love the theory of the medication - but I've started to notice a few things.

First off, it's a vaginal suppository of progesterone. You can never get all of the gel to come out when you insert the applicator which they say is fine if some stays in the tube. I think if it's a presciption and it's being given to me it should propbaly be the exact same amount each time. But this may be the least of my concerns.


If you take Crinone, you're gonna leak. You are supposed to take it in the AM so as you move and walk through out the day it lines the walls of your vagina and absorbs into your system. So, the rest of my day is spent feeling as if I've tinkled in my pants and no matter how many times you go to the bathroom you will always feel wet. Okay - bring in the panty liners then, right? Well that leads us to the next thing:

That oh so not fresh odor. I try not to stand to close to people, as I am totally embarrassed. Showers do nothing either.

This leads me to the worst part - the part I just found out - the part that makes me want to freak out. A little while ago I googled 'crinone odor' to see if I could find any advice on making that go away or even to see if it is normal. Unfortunately, what I found was comment after comment, blog after blog about the 'globules'.

THE WHAT???!!! 

Yep. Apparently, the gel that holds the progesterone doesn't fully absorb and starts to 'build-up down there'. So ... off I go to the bathroom to investigate.


And to my horror, why yes, there is some 'build-up' - so much so that when I inserted my finger I could feel it blocking the opening of my vagina. I started scooping it out and it looks like I've taken a box of wet kleenex and hidden them up my yoo-hoo. WHAT THE HELL? 

I was so concerned about having another MC or having another IUI not take - I didn't research Crinone at all. I just took what was gven to me and in the end that's my fault.

So, ladies - the lesson here - do your research before you take the drugs. I'm sure you all already do, but just in case someone here doesn't know about Crinone I wanted to lay the facts out there for you. 

In the end, I'm still going to continue taking this prescription because I know I'm prone to MC - but I am going to be way more diligent with asking my RE questions the next time I'm given another prescription. 





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