
Scared Newbie

Hi all,

My dh and I are in the process of finishing the paper work so we can have the home study to Foster to Adopt and I'm a nervous wreck. I'm disabled by Epilepsy and am terrified that it will be used against me through the system. My husband works full-time. I stay at home and keep house, sell my artwork, and plan a special fund-raiser once a year for survivors of violent crime (domestic violence/sexual assault/etc). I'm on medication that has improved my situation by 80% and I use a service dog to alert me to impending seizures and he's 100% accurate. I'm really great with children and my life-long dream has always been to be a mother.

Should I be concerned about my condition? What else should I be aware of that may hinder my ability to be a parent? I just want to nurture a child.

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