3rd Trimester

Measuring small again at 38 weeks

I dont post a lot on the message boards but this has been on my mind and wanted to see what you ladies thought.

I had my 38 week checkup yesterday and the doc is sending me for another US which is in a few days to check babies size since ive been measuring consistantly small for a few weeks now. 

I have so many thoughts that if she is small, is it my fault?  We know our weeks are spot on since we had IUI but does anyone or has anyone else ever had this happen? 


TTC since May of 2011. DX PCOS July 2012 SA: morphology 1% motility 47%. U/S 8-20= 3 mature follicles: 56mil sperm after wash IUI #1 + 100mg of clomid + tigger=BFP 9/4 bloodwork hcg 156 progesterone 40BabyFetus Ticker My Blog
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