3rd Trimester

Borrowed breast pumps

Just read an article here on the bump about what baby items not to borrow. I have a question about the breast pump section:

 Breast Pumps

Those fancy breast pumps can get pricey, and you might not think it?s worth it if you?re only expecting to breastfeed for a few months. Even though it may be costly to buy a new one, you shouldn?t borrow or purchase a previously owned breast pump, because of bacteria and certain viruses that could be transferred into the breast milk. According to Medela, you can safely use a rental pump if you?re looking to save some cash. These ones are okay because they?re designed to prevent cross-contamination -- you?ll need to provide all the parts that actually connect with your boob and store your breast milk.

Most pumps made for purchase should not be shared or resold, because they have parts that can?t be cleaned or replaced. You won?t be able to fully sterilize a used breast pump, so your breast milk could be contaminated with bacteria. Plus, the motors on a breast pump may not work as well after time, which can make pumping ineffective.


I am wondering how accurate this information is. My sister has a Medela (pump in style tote) and was going to let me borrow it so I could save the $250+. Medela offers all the replacement parts (as does plenty of other places). I was planning on replacing the hose, breast shields, connections, valves and membranes. According to this website though it is saying that it still could carry a bacteria? What other parts are there that could not be replaced? And then I question even if I buy my own and plan to use it again in a couple years for a second baby, there's going to be bacteria there that I can't get rid of? I've never known a mom to go buy a second breast pump 2 years later. 

What do you think? TIA 

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