TTC after 35


Good Monring,

 Well my husband and I have decided to TTC #3 not sure what this holds in store for us.  Part of my is SOOOOO excited and another part is terrified that we are not financially ready for a thrid child.  We had to boys oldest will be 10 in June and he has Musuclar Dystrophy and our other son wil lbe 3 in August. I keep thinking can we give them all the attention that they need.  Is it normal for all these questions and concerns? We have been talking about having another child and it just seems right to the both of us to try for #3.  I will be 39 in August so I am getting up there in age. I started BC last month and stopped taking them on Thursday so we shall see what happens.


Can anyone give us some advice on going from house of four to house of 5.

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