3rd Trimester

Super early labor? Or am i super crazy?

I am only 30 weeks pregnant. Our baby watch time isnt until june 30th to july 12th. However i have had this gut feeling for awhile now that this baby is going to come a little early. I feel massive already though and ive been told "it looks like youve dropped already?" Anyway ive been reading up on signs of early labor all saturday night. Ironically this morning out of no where i found myself with the runs. Which was one of the signs of early labor. I also heard animals can tell before we can when labor is going to happen. My dog has been acting super weird and wont leave my side and keeps running to our front door as if we were going to our car. Im sure im just going crazy but i figured i could use other opinions. Should i be a little concerned or am i just nuts?
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