3rd Trimester

Labor recovery question (natural birth)

This is a question for you ladies who already have one or more children:  if you delivered naturally (not a c/s), how was your recovery?  I hear stories that you can't sit for weeks, tearing recovery, extra skin from healing down there, etc. & some women make it sound worse than my c/s recovery was...

I'm really on the fence about whether to attempt a vbac - I had a c/s with DS since he was breech.  This baby is head down & my Dr said I have about 75-80% chance of delivering, but he will not induce me (if no progress then I have a c/s at 41 wks).  I'm really leaning towards trying the vbac since I know I'll be up & moving quicker than with the c/s & it would make it easier with DS (altho Dh will be home for 3 wks anyways to help). 

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