Atlanta Babies

Oliver is home!

Oliver spent 16 days at Scottish Rite with RSV. Just when I thought I would go completely crazy, he turned a corner and started getting better. It took forever to get him off oxygen. He is doing well now, but he is sleeping a lot. I'm assuming he's catching up on sleep after constantly getting interrupted in the middle of the night at the hospital. I'm so glad to be sleeping in my own bed again. Unfortunately we found out during his hospital stay that he is going to have to have open heart surgery in the next several months to close the hole in his heart because it is causing some side effects and they don't think it will close on its own. This has been very hard for me to accept and I'm terrified. We meet with the cardiologist in a week to discuss more specifics. Thank you all for your prayers and support. It seems like Oliver's first year of life will be a crazy one, but I'm hoping this all makes us stronger, especially him.
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