3rd Trimester

Our energy and how it's spent....

My preferred connection to the universe is Reiki but it the point of this post is universal no matter what you believe. :)


I saw my Reiki therapist yesterday and was expressing to her how I was battling myself a lot these past couple months (3rd tri) about having DH around. I never want nor wanted to be the nagging pregnant wife that told him he couldn't go do something because I was tired from taking care of the 21 month old, etc. It was looking like he was gone a lot on the weekends; bike rides, meetings, and there I was again left alone without any help. I'm fine during the week because I get he's at work. But lately, any super late nights or weekend commitments where he's gone more was becoming overwhelming though i was trying to reason with myself and remain rational.


The coolest  thing she told me that helped a lot and it made me feel strongly enough to reach out to you girls in case there was someone else out there feeling the same way. You're angry, feel isolated, worry about trying to stay rational and reasonable, but at the same time feel like someone you get left alone too much and you never get a chance to turn "off".

 She said, "you're living in a very sacrificial space right now. Your energy is entering you but then is getting absorbed by the baby inside you, your toddler, and your husband who needs support. (job issues) right now. None of the energy you gather is getting to you. You're trying to be too logical but you can't be right now. Don't feel bad for asking your husband to stay home and skip that bike ride. On a cellular level you need that reboot, just him being in your space helps you relax."

 I think the biggest piece of that was her saying you're being too logical right now. She gave me an outlet to let my emotional needs to come first. "I just need you to BE here." Love it and it helped so much.

 Anyway, take what you wish. Cheers to this tough yet wonderful and amazing time in our lives! :) 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker CafeMom Tickers JAN09-Oct09: TTC Naturally. OCT09: HSG- Normal NOV09: Round 1 Clomid 50mg CD5-9= BFN DEC09: Round 2 Clomid 100mg CD5-9= BFN JAN10: Round 3 Clomid 100mg CD3-7= BFN FEB10: Round 4 Clomid 150mg CD5-9= BFN SA= 120 million, 54% Motility, 7% Morphology. JUN10: Round 5 Clomid, IUI, unsuccessful. JUL10: DONE & FED UP. OCT10: Started Integrative Reiki Energy Therapy. NOV 05, 2010: BFP! SEPT 20, 2012: BFP! More Reiki and Baby Z #2 is on his way! Due May 29, 2013
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