3rd Trimester

He's here

i was induced yesterday at 5 am at 39 w 2 days. we got here at 5 with the room an nurses awaiting or arrival.got change and hooked up to iv and monitors.I was givien Pitocin at around 615 bumped up at 645 to get things rolling at this time i had contractions but they were barable .At 930 my dr broke my water and ran to another hospital to pop someone else bag.I knew it would be much longer because i normal go really fast after water breaks.At around 950 contractions were painful and about 3-5 mins apart.i was checked and told i was around 6cm my dr hadnt returned yet.I labor in agony because i didnt want an epi but did take an demerol shot to help the back pain alittle that didnt seem to work though.At 11 i was oh so uncomfortable and in so much pain.Dr came checked me i was ready but baby was still high and need to come down some.They sat my bed up to let gravity take its course ouch.I was then layed flat told to hold my legs an push with every contractions.At this time i was super tired considering i was up since 4 and in pain.It took me quite some time to push and at 1134 am by chubby pumpkin was on my chest.He weighed 7.15lb.I was told i could be d/c today :) so im really glad i get to go home today prob sometime this afternoon.Best of luck to you ladies at or around your dd.You can do it natural too the pain is only temporary.
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