3rd Trimester

induction dilemma

So I'm 30 weeks now, and my doc brought up induction. My first pregnancy was difficult, gestational diabetes, hypertension, hospital visits, bedrest, the whole nine yards. At 40 weeks I had some placenta deterioration that was concerning, so the doc broke my water at 40 weeks 2 days.

Fast forward to this pregnancy and my sugars are good, bp is phenomenal, but because I'm always a borderline diabetic doc is thinking we schedule induction for 39w 1d. I'm torn, we don't even know yet if the placenta deterioration will be an issue this time- for starters.

I should say doc is VERY accommodating and not pushy at all, and he's said he's fine either way, it's my choice. And the control freak in me likes the idea, especially because hubby works shift work and I'm scared I'll go into labor during rush hour traffic alone with DD (she's almost 3)- with traffic it's over an hour and a half to the hospital... oh and I birthed her in under 7 hours so with number two, who knows? However the crunchy, granola mom part of me says "let the baby bake!" I guess I'm looking for some good discussion points to help me make my decision.

So please ladies, help me think it through!

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