TTC after 35

Going at it alone. Single and wanting to become a mom.

Is there anyone going at this alone. I'm 39 and I decided that I want a baby. I can't wait for Mr. Right anymore. I have gone thru my first IUI this past March, and it was hard to get that bfn. The only thing I have working against me is my amh level .16. RE went aggressive and went straight to injectables. Boy was that different. I am a vegan and have been so for 11-12 years. I have not had any medication or anything synthetic in my body like that. I had cramps, bloating the whole shebang, for a month and a half. ( includes first day of injectables all the way to 2 weeks past IUI) needless to say I got my first bout with 2 collapsing cyst. Never had cyst before. Afraid of doing it again. Put off April cycle-cyst, went to RE looking to start May cycle-just started AF (4/25)- after u/s (4/26) I got scarred and postponed it till next cycle. Going at it alone is hard when you want this so bad. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
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