3rd Trimester

acetone exposure

I took on an internship which requires me to label things, and if I mess up I have to use acetone to get the labels off.

My husband believes that I should not expose myself to acetone at all that it's the same as having a drink of alcohol.

Today I did not listen to his advice and went ahead with removing four labels and different times.  I could smell the acetone, but wore a mask and vigorously washed my hands afterwards.  My exposure was less than 60 seconds each time.  I removed the labels across the room from where I was doing the majority of my work.

What would you do?  I came home and my husband is furious with me and thinks that I have endangered our child.  I don't know what to do other than possibly quit the internship because I am the only one there doing the labeling, however I need the internship to hopefully get a job after I graduate (I'm a graduate student).  I tried calling my doctor before going ahead with the exposure, but she was unavailable and the nurse said it was probably ok.   

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