New Hampshire Babies


Hi there,

I just wanted to recommend that any new or veteran mom or momma-to-be that is looking for a support group, classes, or assistance with breast feeding, etc check out NIni Bambini in Bedford, NH. I utilized them prior to my son's birth for their breastfeeding class and preparing for your newborn class and they offer a very informative class. Additionally, they offer one-on-one breast feeding and sleep-training consultations that I used. They also offer support groups where mom and dads can go and ask questions, vent or just listen and recieve support. They also carry a number of products in their store that are great. The staff is extremely knowledgable and helpful.

 I strongly recommend new or soon-to-be mom's check them out. They're a great support group and have a Facebook page as well as a yardsale page on Facebook where you can post items needed or items you want to sell.


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